Monday, August 3, 2009

Harley Swiftdeer Reagan on the Strength of Women

My wife would certainly agree with what Harley Swiftdeer Reagan says about women. They definitely are not weak. Emotional, certainly. Weak, never. And yes, I concur with his belief that we all have elements of male and female in us.

Now, I do not believe Harley Swiftdeer Reagan means this in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense. There is a part of the human spirit that seeks to nurture, which can be deemed as "female", and there is a part of the human spirit which seeks to control, which can then be deemed as "male" and which Swiftdeer calls "tyrant". Western feminism has essentially tried to turn women's roles in society to be the same as men (aka the tyrant), something that is implicitly wrong. While there have been women who have taken on men's traditional roles of leadership, and have arguably done well in these roles, for the most part there are certain innate personal traits within us all that can be seen as either male or female. Whether a person is male or female physically does not mean that one is male or female spiritually.

Western culture puts people outside the realm of nature, and we are finding that as a "modern" society we are actually causing serious harm to our planet. It is becoming ever clearer that the energy we pull from the earth is contributing to global warming and that our "modern" way of life is unsustainable. The teachings of Native American tribes to respect the "female" Mother Earth, as Harley Swiftdeer Reagan also refers to the planet on which we live, is becoming ever more important. After all, we only have one planet...

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